Wash Away Your Worries: How to Get More Out of Your Wash Cycle

August 22, 2024

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Nothing beats the smell of fresh laundry, except for those sour-smelling loads of laundry. What causes the odor? How can I prevent this from happening? Let's explore the stinky truth.

Common Culprits

Even the cleanest washing machines could have some underlying issues that you cannot see. Washing machines tend to hold onto stagnant water, especially front-loading machines. This results in bacterial buildup, limescale, and, yup, you guessed it, mold!

When you leave the washing machine door closed, it can create the perfect environment for mildew and bacteria to grow, leaving your clothing with a sour smell, the rubber gaskets with mildew stains, and what lies behind the drum. We won't even go there.

Now, life can hit hard. Your to-do list is a mile long; laundry might be on that list. You wake up early, start the laundry with every intention of finishing it, and before you know it, it's time for bed. You wake up in the morning and remember that load of towels that are still in the washing machine. When you open the lid, the smell of sour day old laundry greets your senses.

Maybe this isn't you. Instead, you've got 12 loads of laundry to do and a household of people relying on your laundry skills. So, you overstuff the washer to save time. Overstuffing your machine doesn't leave enough space for the clothing to move around, and this can leave you with a partially cleaned load. It could throw the drum out of balance or leave behind soap residue.

Pinching pennies might be the name of the game, and you opt for the cheaper brand of laundry detergent or maybe water it down to stretch the budget. The misconception is that more soap means cleaner clothing, and it is quite the opposite. Did you know that our Speed Queen machines at Wash Works only require 1/4 cup of soap per load of laundry? That's a lot of laundry per bottle of detergent. The brand manufacturer will tell you to follow the lines on the cap, which is way more than your laundry load needs and will leave your clothing with residue, lingering odors, or won't be as effective at removing dirt, bacteria, and stains.

Now that we have addressed some of the many laundry suspects, let's talk about solutions. How can I get the most out of my time and money to get a load of laundry that not only smells clean but also does not cost me an arm and leg to do?

Freshen Up Your Laundry Routine

Shameless plug alert! Wash Works uses an ozone injection system that not only cleans the washing machine as you wash your clothing, but it also kills any bacteria in your fabrics. Everything from smoke to pet dander and more!

If you opt to do your laundry at home, here are some ways you can improve the quality of your laundry. Pre-wash with detergent by rubbing gently into the fabric and letting it sit for a few minutes before washing your clothing. This helps break down any stubborn odors. A vinegar soak is another option to help neutralize the odors. Test a small section of clothing before using vinegar because some fabrics might discolor. If baking soda is good for a dog that gets sprayed by a skunk, it is great for stinky clothing too. Baking soda is known to absorb and lift scents out of fabric. Washing in cold water is another option, but what is it the best way to save time, money, and effort? Call Wash Works Laundromat in Springfield, MA.

Our machines will not only get your laundry done faster, but the quality of every load will also come out clean. We have other options that will help you manage your time during the week. I am talking to those who have a mountain of laundry (both clean and dirty) and no time to get any of it done. Try our Pick Up and Delivery; it's easy to sign up, we will follow your laundry instructions, and all you need to do is leave your laundry bag out for us to pick up. It's that easy! Got questions? We have answers; call us today! +1-413-889-3855

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